Ayelette Robinson at NELIC!
The team over here at NELIC headquarters has been super excited about how the legal automation session is shaping up for the conference. We’ve got Pablo Arredondo with Occam, Inc., speaking about the moving frontier of startups in the legal automation space. We’ve also got Michael Poulshock, talking about how automation is changing the way the government processes legal work.
We’ve been looking for a third person to round out the panel, talking about how automation is hitting legal practice, particularly among the more nimble and progressive firms. Glad to say we’ve found the perfect person for that slot, and are excited to announce that she’s officially agreed to participate in NELIC this year!
Ayelette Robinson is the Director of Knowledge Technology and Knowledge Management Counsel at Littler Mendelson P.C., where she is responsible for the design, development and implementation of the firm’s technology-based knowledge management systems. She’s also the San Francisco rep for the International Legal Technology Association. As if that weren’t enough, she’s also one of the regular contributors behind one of RR&H’s favorite Three Geeks and a Law Blog. Excited to have her!
Schedule updated as per usual — have a good weekend!